Yuletide Holiday 2019 Spiritile - The quote wrapped around “Yuletide” is a quote from Dale Evans, “Christmas is Love in Action.” - A red pickup truck has a fir tree in the back and drives down a road to a house in the background
Houston Llew Spiritile

#244 - Yuletide - (Retired) Holiday 2019 Spiritile

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The quote wrapped around “Yuletide” is a quote from Dale Evans, “Christmas is Love in Action.”

Through the dazzling and brief spectacle of fall, we draw near to the season full of hope. The holidays hold such promise for love. What does love feel like during this season?

If we gather up all of the holiday’s festive adornments and small kindnesses, we find that all are expressions of our affection, wrapped in color and lights. 

During the holidays, we draw closer together to act on our love. Christmas is returning home to a wonderland where we are all children again. It is a return to the grander acts of kindness and joy we wish for all year long, and to the assurance that life is full of hope and getting brighter every day. 

This ‘Yuletide’ Holiday Spiritile is about that returning, not only to each other, but also to the knowledge that we can profess our love in word and deed, savor the peace of wintertime, and delight like children in each moment we experience with one another. 

I hope you experience that feeling of love in action this holiday season.

May you live it out for those you love the most, and even the least. 

Let this holiday season glow in the light of each face you see.

Let it draw you near to home, wherever that might be. 

Each Spiritile is 5¼" x 8½" x 1¾" - akin to the size of a the novel.

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